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Sportmonda Logo

Sportmonda logo
The Sportmonda’s logo consists of a name and a symbol. The name Sportmonda is written in text using the font Geogrotesque. The symbol is 3 jerseys hanging over the logo. The name and symbol should always be used together.

Download Logo pack (1 mb)

Logo guidelines Sportmonda

1. Always use the symbol and the name together.

2. Do not use our logo on clashing background colours. If you are unsure, use the monochrome version of the logo.

3. If you use our logo alongside other logos or graphic elements, please use a security distance equal to 2x the size of the distance between the symbol and the name as shown above.

4. Only use the coloured symbol (the 3 jerseys) on either a white or Sportmonda blue background, which you will find in the logo pack.

Please refrain from:

  • Turning or twisting our logo.
  • Changing the colours or adding shadow to the logo.
  • Cropping or placing items across our logo.
  • Using old versions of our logo.
  • Using the symbol or name independently.

Use of the Sportmonda logo

If you are unsure how to use our logo, please get in touch so we can help.

LogoSportmonda Logoicon-name-straighticon-name-archedicon-number-spa-10icon-number-ned-10icon-number-eng-10icon-number-fra-10icon-number-ger-10icon-number-por-10icon-number-bel-10icon-number-ita-10icon-number-mex-10icon-number-usa-10icon-list-eng-10icon-list-bel-10icon-list-fra-10icon-list-ger-10icon-list-ita-10icon-list-mex-10icon-list-ned-10icon-list-por-10icon-list-spa-10icon-list-usa-10Club Logo (+2 colors)